I am a musician, creating some music in my bedroom 🌙
I started playing guitar when I was 10 years old, then I learned how to play the piano to finally creat my own music during the quarantine in 2020. That's at this time that I discovered new genres like LoFi or chillhop...
And here I am 🎭
Location: Paris, France
Premiers Pas
Cet EP est mon premier GROS projet, et voici son histoire :
En janvier 2021, j'ai eu l'idée de réunir des artistes francophones du monde de la lofi autour d'un projet musical. Placé sous le signe de la découverte, Premier Pas est l'aboutissement de cette entreprise où chaque artiste à pu apporté ces influences et sa touche artistique.
Oui, les morceaux sont différents, mais c'est là une des forces de cet EP et j'en suis très fier.
Bien à vous,
Diiolme 🎭
Here are some of my tracks and their link to Spotify
Here are some AMAZING artists I have had the chance and pleasure to collaborate with
Some of the photographs, graphists, illustrators I've worked with
What you should listen to
Here to relax and enjoy Jazz Hip Hop
Because LoFi is the best to sleep
Step inside to hear the best new Chillhop, Jazzhop and Lofi beats
If you have any request, don't be afraid to text me 🎭
Paris, France